Shape the video signal
Thanks to its outstanding video signal management expertise, New Digimatic stands out in the market with products that can completely customize the display of its signal by adapting it to the particular projection needs also with the birth of the new video processors expands its expertize to highly specialized custom products in avionics (Multi Function Display, Multiview), naval (Large Screen Display), medical, airport video information and railway.
In the same years he moved production to new headquarters within Rome's technology hub: Tecnocittà.
Big Screens for Big Ideas
In the late 1980s, experimentation and implementation of the first Video Wall prototypes in hard-wired logic began. Subsequent generations of products followed the technological evolution using PLDs with proprietary algorithms. In the late 1990s, integrating the use of SoCs dedicated to digital video, they succeeded in establishing a solid partnership with Pixelworks, Inc becoming the first in Europe to use their technology.
At Infocomm in Orlando in 1999, in partnership with SIM2 Multimedia, they succeeded in presenting the first fully digital video wall!
Videowalls are sold to set up both national and international events. The latest LCD videowall, in collaboration with Solari di Udine S.p.a. is installed at Penn Station in Newark to replace previous video information panels.
Start UP!
It is 1983, Antonio Galli and Francesco Ciambella begin their adventure with New Digimatic S.r.l. in Viale Nusco, Prenestino Hill, Rome.
Since the collaborate as a technology partner with leading gaming companies including: SEGA, Nintendo, CAPCOM, Konami, Taito for the production and distribution of electronics in the European market. Among the various successes at that time, SEGA CORPORATION's estimation partakes the company to be selected to present the European premiere of the first SEGA OutRun driving simulator.